5 Tips for a Great Massage Experience

Here are my Top 5 Tips for ensuring you have a great massage.


It is important to communicate with your massage therapist before, during, and after your massage. 

  • Before: This is the time to ask questions and discuss your goals and preferences for the massage. It is also important to disclose all health information (conditions, injuries, medications). This will help your massage therapist to tailor the massage to your specific needs and ensure that the massage is safe and beneficial for you.

BONUS TIP: Don’t like instrumental “spa music”? In my studio, your preferred playlist is welcome…within reason (no expletives or derogatory speech). We can cue up your relaxing favorites on Spotify.

  • During: I don’t mean having a full on conversation; but if you experience any discomfort or pain, it is important to let your massage therapist know. This will allow them to adjust the pressure or technique to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the massage. Additionally, if you have any specific areas that you would like them to spend more or less time, you become hot/cold, need a restroom break, or feel that you need to stop the session for any reason; please speak up. Trust me, your therapist would prefer that you say something rather than “suffer in silence”. 

  • After: Hopefully you communicated before or during your session so the therapist was able to tailor the massage perfectly for you. If not, this is a great time to give the therapist feedback for your next session. At this time your therapist may also recommend things you can do at work or home until your next session, so ask questions.


Planning ahead allows you to arrive at your appointment relaxed and on time. It also allows you to avoid any potential stress or anxiety that can come with running late. It’s important to allow yourself enough time to get there, as it can have a huge impact on your massage experience. If you’re driving, you should also factor in the time it takes to find parking. It can also be disruptive to your own massage experience, as the massage therapist may not have enough time to give you the full massage you were expecting.

PRO TIP: If you’re prone to running late, give yourself extra time. If you have a lunch time or after work appointment, plan for the rush of traffic.


When it comes to getting a massage, it’s important to remember to remove all jewelry before the session . Rings, toe-rings, bracelets, watches, large earrings, and necklaces. Not only do they get in the way of the therapist’s work, but can get caught on the massage table or in the massage therapist’s hands, making it difficult to move freely and effectively. 


Have you ever THOUGHT you put your phone on silent, only to your surprise, have it ring later? It happens so often during massages and it really takes you out of relaxation mode. I recommend putting your phone in airplane mode or completely switching it off to avoid any breakthrough notifications. See tip #3…..This applies to smart watches, too! 


Remember this the next time you’re telling your therapist to go harder, as you wince and clench your teeth; pain does NOT equal progress. This one takes some unlearning for clients and massage therapists. Some modalities use firm pressure and can feel ‘tender’ when applied, but they should never be painful. If you’re tensing and guarding your muscles because the massage is painful, your body is working against the therapist’s work rather than with it. Communicate with your therapist if they need to adjust pressure and remember to breathe!

DID YOU KNOW?  New research shows that fascia responds better to slow and soothing touch, rather than intense pressure.


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