Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

a gentle, but profound, soft tissue mobilization technique that approaches health and wellness at the cellular level.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is not like traditional massage where the therapist glides over the skin. Vodder style MLD aims to move WITH the skin, sans lotion or oil. The Vodder Method, in which I am certified, is the most widely known and effective form of Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

This technique works along the lymphatic pathways using light, precise, repetitive hand movements that stretch the skin over the underlying tissues.

This creates a pumping effect that encourages the flow of lymph fluid and the drainage of excess fluid from the connective tissue.

Vodder Style Manual Lymphatic Drainage South Carolina
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Vodder Method South Carolina

Why is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Important?

Unlike the circulatory system which relies on the heart for pumping and circulating blood, the lymphatic system has no pump. Instead, lymph is propelled in one direction when your lymphatic vessels contract by way of muscular movement (ex. exercise, deep diaphragmatic breathing, MLD) and by gravity if the vessels are above your heart.

If lymph becomes stagnant or sluggish, this can lead to bloating, puffiness, constant tiredness, low immunity, and frequent illness, just to name a few.

The lymphatic system, is sometimes referred to as “The Sewerage System”. It plays a major role in your immune system. which protects you from infection and disease.

It consists of

  • lymphatic vessels

  • lymphatic tissue/organs (lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, spleen and Peyer's patches)

Lymph is the clear liquid that flows through your lymphatic system. It is formed when blood capillaries leak fluid into the body tissues to nourish and bathe the cells. As the lymphatic vessels collect the fluid surrounding all the cells of the body, it becomes lymph.

Lymph contains:

  • water

  • sugars, proteins and fats

  • vitamins, minerals and salts

  • waste products from cells

  • germs, toxins, parasites

  • old, damaged or abnormal cells

Lymph fluid drains from your tissues into tiny lymphatic vessels (think smaller than a strand of hair) and is then carried throughout the body to the lymph nodes.

Once at the lymph nodes, lymph is cleaned/filtered and more lymphocytes are added before it is passed to the lymphatic ducts. The ducts empty into large veins near the heart to return to the blood circulation. And the subtle and complex process is started all over again!

Lymphatic Drainage

What is the Lymphatic System?

Why does the flow and drainage of lymph matter?

The Lymphatic System has been nicknamed, “The Secret River of Life”, because it influences general health as well as the health of specific body systems including;

  • circulatory

  • endocrine

  • immune

  • nervous

  • digestive

  • exocrine

  • integumentary (skin,nails, hair)

  • muscular

  • reproductive

  • respiratory

  • skeletal

    The lymphatic system’s main functions:

  • Managing fluid levels in the body.

  • Protecting your body from disease by carrying germs (bacteria, viruses and parasites), toxins, and old/abnormal cells away from your tissues.

  • Absorbing and transporting fats and vitamins from your digestive system to your bloodstream.

  • Producing and storing lymphocytes that fight off bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

General health and wellness Body Systems
A healthy river is one that is clean and flowing! You can’t achieve overall health and wellness if you neglect your lymphatic system.
Flourish Therapies list of Lymphatic Drainage Benefits

What is Lymphatic Drainage beneficial for?

  • Inducing relaxation (shifting your nervous system from flight or flight, to rest and digest) and promoting general wellness.

  • Pain - joint swelling, muscular pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, chronic headaches

  • Skin - cellulite, aids in weight loss

  • Fluid retention - puffy face or extremities, swollen lymph nodes

  • Pre or postpartum care

  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Varicose Veins

  • Endometriosis

  • Menopause or hormonal imbalances

  • Respiratory conditions - sinusitis, nasal congestion,

  • Recurring colds & flu, infections, allergies

  • POTS

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Lyme Disease

  • Mold Toxicities

  • Gastrointestinal/Digestive conditions - chronic constipation, bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Anxiety, PTSD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Managing symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease

 MLD is also used for: 

  • Post plastic surgery or liposuction - it reduces pain, bruising and swelling

  • Post operative inflammation - it reduces inflammation, bruising and prevents scarring

  • Post traumatic events (e.g. accidents, sport injuries etc) - it reduces swelling, pain, bruising and inflammation

  • The prevention, treatment and control of secondary lymphedema after cancer.

  • The treatment and control of primary lymphedema and lipidema.

    If you’re not sure if Lymphatic Drainage is right for you, feel free to send me a message!

Come experience the pain soothing, rest inducing, lymph moving, health improving power of Manual Lymphatic Drainage.


120 minutes - $220 - $190*

90 minutes - $165 - $140*

60 minutes - $110 - $95*

*price varies by location

These luxe enhancements can be incorporated into your session at no additional cost.

Essential Oils

The sense of smell is powerful and a little aromatherapy can go a long way. I’ll incorporate the oil of your choice.

Warm Steam Towels

The moist heat promotes relaxation and refreshes your skin.

Hot Stones

With deep penetrating heat, these smooth stones glide over your skin to warm and relax your muscles. 

Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are a heavier than normal blanket that can provide similar benefits to deep pressure therapy, to help you feel calm.

Eye Mask/Pillow

Dubbed "the weighted blanket for your eyes", this eye mask blocks out distractions and puts you at ease.